Back to School: Berry and Banana Overnight Oats recipe

So! Its back to school season, which sucks but in a strange way i'm kind of excited about it! Mostly because back to school means Autumn is just around the corner. Forever my favourite season.
Oh and *cough* my birthday *cough* October 6th *cough*

Anyhoo, i decided to kick off my back to school series with a quick back to school breakfast. This recipe is perfect not only for all you busy students but for work too! If you tend to be tight on time in the mornings and find yourself...dun dun duuuuuun NOT HAVING BREAKFAST *Gasp* *Faints* i shudder to think of such things...always have breakfast! always! well, this recipe is for you... 

What you will need:
An air tight jar
A fork or spoon
Measuring utensils
A strong mixing arm! 

1/3 cup Rolled Oats
1/3 cup Greek Yogurt
1/3 cup Almond Milk
1/4 of a Banana (or 1 small banana)
1/4 cup Berries 

Now all you need to do is put all of the ingredients, except for the granola, in the jar and mix with your spoon or fork! its that simple! Pop it in the fridge overnight (or it can be ready in 2 hours) and when you're ready to eat it, crumble some granola on top and there you go! It takes no more than 10 minutes to prepare.There are so many variations with this recipe too, you could swap out the banana and berries with so many other foods. I will definitely be experimenting further with this one! 



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