Weekly Nutrition and Fitness Plan

I hope I can stay on track with my weekly health plan as closely as possible. My mother is coming into town Thursday and staying with us until Monday. Homegirl LOVES to cook so I can only imagine what she is going to fatten Marquis and I up with! But I don't hate it.
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Meal 1 (7 AM): 100 calorie Greek Yogurt and Vanilla Almond Granola

Meal 2 (10:30 AM): Half of an acorn squash with sugar/calorie free syrup, and ground cinnamon

Meal 3 (1:30 PM): 2 MorningStar vegetarian chicken patties with a side of steamed mixed veggies

Meal 4 (4 PM) : 1/2 cup of oats, blueberries, one tablespoon of Peanut butter, and 1/4 cup of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk. (I call this peanut butter and jelly oatmeal. The perfect prework meal! for tons of energy)

Meal 5 (7:30 PM): 2 pieces of GardenIn vegetarian chicken scallopini with a side of mixed veggies, and half of an acorn squash with ground cinnamon and sugar/calorie free syrup.

Meal 6 [optional]: Fiber One Protein Bar

*I am not vegetarian, I just love vegetarian products
* I have a slight addiction to squash. It is SO healthy for you. 
*Fiber is an ESSENTIAL part of weight loss. It is the best form of carbohydrates for your body to intake. Ensure you are eating enough! 


  12:30 PM - 20 minutes of Lateral cardio
  *This is very easy, low impact cardio I do on my lunch hour at my gym. I sit at a desk all day and do not move around a   lot so I need this as a mental break and to get my blood flowing.
  5 PM - Regular workout: 15 minutes of lateral cardio followed by a 45 minute spin class.

  12:30 PM - 20 minutes of Lateral cardio
  5PM: Regular workout: 15 minutes on the Elliptical, full upper body weight circuit, and minutes of lateral      cardio

  5PM: 20 minutes of Lateral cardio and a 45 minute spin class

  12:30 PM - 20 minutes of lateral cardio
  5PM: Regular workout: 15 minutes on the Elliptical, full upper body weight circuit, and 10 minutes of lateral cardio

 12:30 PM - 20 minutes of lateral cardio
 5PM: Regular work out, lighter on cardio. 10 minutes on the Elliptical, full leg work out, and 10 minutes on the Elliptical

Saturday: O F F

  1 PM: 15 minutes on the StairMill, full upper body weight circuit, and 10 minutes on the StairMill


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