WORKOUT EVERYDAY Challenge! (Hot for New Years)

It's the last challenge of the Hot for New Years challenge and we're going out with a bang! You've probably already guessed what this weeks challenge entails but basically, this week I challenge you to WORKOUT EVERY SINGLE DAY!

As you can see, I've been nice enough to give you the week of Christmas Off BUT that means we need to work extra hard this week!

The Challenge:

It's simple really, get a workout in every single day this week! Though I should point out, your muscles do need a rest so don't target the same muscles every single day. It would be wiser to split up the body parts for each day e.g Monday- LEGS Tuesday- ARMS Tuesday- ABS and so on! and don't forget your cardio! 

If you feel less motivated or a little too tired one of the days, just go easier on yourself but still get a quick workout in! 

Stay healthy



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