Jillian VS Bob Review

Many of us are familiar with The Biggest Loser. At some point int he first 2 weeks, the contestants picked a trainer, Jillian or Bob. Jillian had the rep of being the "tough one" because she yelled, screamed, and cursed at the contestants. Bob was the "nice one", he could connect better with the contestants and get a workout done. He wasn't, and still isn't, one for screaming. Now both Jillian and Bob have their own line of workout DVDs, and I get asked about Jillian's 30-Day Shred multiple times a week. Everyone knows that I am a "Harper Girl", and will be till the day I die, but I have Jillian's 30-Day Shred at home.

In this DVD, Jillian has 3 levels, a warm up and cool down included. I've done all 3 and for someone like me, it's not nearly enough to make me break much of a sweat. If I'm really short on time sometimes I'll throw it in just to mix it up a little, but that is a very rare occasion. I used this DVD many, many times in the past before I lost the bulk of my weight, and it never made my scale budge. And she markets on the TOP of that DVD "Lose up to 20lbs in 30 Days!!". Umm....no. That's actually almost impossible. Even when I was consistently dropping pounds, I lost 8-10lbs at the most a month. All of that without Jillian, I might add.

My honest opinion? Jillian is a marketer. She markets to the stay at home mom crowd, who only have about 20 minutes to workout. As yourself this; is 20 minutes enough to really make a change? Answer; NO. Reality people, 20 minutes is barely a WARM-UP. Reality is harsh. If you want change, you need to put yourself in a pool of your own sweat 4-6 times a week for 45-60 minutes. It doesn't sound fun, but it's reality. That was and still is my reality. As Bob says to the 15-20 minute workouts "are you KIDDING me?!". Ok, I know many of you will not like me after saying that, but I don't want to steer you wrong here! This issues is life and death for some people. It made the difference between healthy and diabetic for me. You have to make time for that hour, whether it's getting up an hour early before your kids, or staying up later, or getting a sitter. If you want it bad enough, you will do what it takes.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Jillian! I think she did a great job on TBL with her teams. It's this DVD that I have issues with. Working out for only 20 minutes will get you nowhere near where you want to be. I still workout for close to an hour a day, 6 times a week, just to maintain my fitness level! If you want to change your life, this DVD isn't for you. It is highly popular, but for the reason that it's only 20 minutes. If you go from completely sedentary lifestyle to working with this, then your scale might budge some, but you won't see any good lasting results with it. It's better than NO workout, but trust me, spend an hour with Bob and his cardio and you will understand why he has been the dark horse of TBL for years. He won't yell at you like Jillian, but he will change your outlook on fitness, food, and how you live your life.

With love,
Harper Girl

PS- for more one-on-one help with me, or for daily inspiration, join my Facebook group Homefront Warriors! I have a great group going so far, and I check it daily!


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