I am NOT Photoshoped!

Well, today I had to face something new; being called fake. A fitness group (which is actually a pretty cool group) posted my picture from Pinterest to their site as a motivational thing. There were lots of nice comments, but a lot of really hurtful ones too. I was called a fake, a liar, and "nice try...photshop is a great tool"

::::::::::::The before pic was taken right after I had Jake, at 174.6lbs. The after was when I hit 125. I'm now 110, but I always said that if I made it to 125, I'd take a photo for Bob Harper and submit it. He published my photo & letter (which is why I'm on Pinterest!) and someone found it.:::::::::::::

Ouch. One guy called me "cocky" and said he was surprised I still had a wedding ring on in the "after" photo! What is wrong with these assholes? One guy said my boobs looked "off", so I must have used photoshop.

Really? So here I am, going on record, and stating that I am NOT photoshopped! Please...if I was going to photoshop myself, I'd make my boobs bigger in my after pic. Because seriously, going from a DD to an A cup really sucks. I can't choose where I lose weight. It's part of the process. For the man comparing my jewelry, I am wearing the same jewelry in both pictures, it's actually what I'm wearing now too. It's just my daily jewelry, and it tends to shift. And why wouldn't I still be married? Oh yeah, maybe because I love my husband. Go figure. And I am not "cocky", I'm confident. Learn the difference. The cameras are different in both pictures because my husband got me a new one for my birthday a month before that "after" picture. So what? It's the same room, same me, just a lot smaller. Why the hate? Are you so uncomfortable in your own skin that you have to bring ME down? Get a life, and don't put me down. Guess what? I cut my hair short and it's a different color now, so does that mean it's not me AGAIN? Please. Go look at my progression pictures and then try to talk smack. Better yet, pick up a kettle bell and try to keep up with me! I've got $10 that says you can't ;)

It was really hurtful reading those negative comments about myself, when all I've tried to do is help people through my own experience. So many people are where I was at, and I just want to help. People can be so mean. I'm letting it roll though. The site admin is pretty cool, and I talked to him for a bit tonight. I guess you can't win them all, hu? At least I can have my say here!

So anyways, believe me or not, it's not my concern. But I'm a pretty honest and real person. Which is why I started blogging in the first place. People need to know that doing what I did is absolutely possible! I can't win them all, but I just wanted to clear the air in case anyone else was wondering.



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