A Poll for Monday!

Could everyone take a second to vote on this for me? I'm trying to get a feel for what my readers would like to see! I'll be doing all 3 of these posts, but I'd love to know what you love the most! I have something in the works for later today :)

What would you like to see more of?

pollcode.com free polls 

I'm a bit of a Pinterest addict. I know what you're thinking, I've jumped on the bandwagon! Actually, I was on Pinterest before it was cool to be on Pinterest. Seriously. I thought earlier last year that it would be a great tool for teaching ideas if I decided to go back into teaching, then all of a sudden everyone was on Pinterest! I also find it to be a great place for inspiration when I need it. For something like this:

I need to hand this on my wall.
I hope this gives you a little boost for Monday! Who doesn't need a boost for Monday?!

Go out there and make the most of your day!



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