Life with Liz... lately.

Well, this is embarrassing.

On October 30th, I put my blog back up shared big news. I can tell you guys one thing, my life has been a constant wheel of change over the past two months. And I can say, I am becoming the happiest I have ever been. I feel reborn and optimistically reinventing myself. But I am SO BUSY! After opening my blog back up, I disappeared again. That's pretty annoying, huh? Well...

I keep my blog out of my everyday life. I do not tell my friends or family about the blog. Some know, but I do not advertise it. I like having my little semi-anonymous place to have on the internet. However, with Google, if you search hard enough, you can find anything you want. And my blog was found by someone I did not want to read it. My ex. When he told me he found it, I immediately deleted it because number 1) I did not expect that and number 2) I did not want to keep writing blog entries about my life and happiness, and hurt him. I love my ex and I always will, but there comes a time in life when you have to be selfless and let go of something that you know will simply not work. There is no hard feelings, at least on my part, but this time, my head had to be smarter and stronger than my heart. 

I write in this blog for me. And for my amazing girlfriends that have come with this incredible journey. I do not blog for any other purpose. I blog to document my life, to share memories, to write what is on my heart, to get advice, and to have something to look back on. I do not blog for views, for money, or for popularity. I simply blog for me. It is my creative outlet and I really enjoy it. If someone wants to torture themselves by continuously coming to my blog, then so be it. For once, I am going to be selfish and blog because I WANT TOO. 

Moving on...

My new job is going fantastic. I run around like a mad woman! I guess that is part of being an Office Manager. Once our company grows, I will become the Director of Human Resources, which I am really passionate about it. I am still in awe everyday of how God made my life come together. If you have not read my previous blog entry below, definitely do it. 

Working for a publishing company is the best. I love updating our media displays for all of the magazines we distribute. 

It is also nice being able to take home as many magazines as I want!

and the view from my office is spectacular!

You can definitely tell I am back in the corporate world, just call me the "bag lady". It is brutal some mornings. Purse, lunch, gym bag, and laptop. It's a morning work out, for sure!

I had red streaks added to my hair and I LOVE IT. It is probably my favorite hair style I have ever had.

I also recently made a new friend. Her name is Brooke. And I love her to death. We have become so close and I love having her in my life!

I'm really digging Katy Perry's new album. She makes my work outs much more fun. My favorite song on her new album is "Walking On Air". It totally reminds me of the 90's club scene... not that I would remember that! Ha!

and lastly, Marty is still as cute as ever. 

So that has been basically it! Working, gym, and sleep! I go to bed so early every night. I can't get enough. This week is huge for me at my job, my first big test - organizing and executing our divisional meeting that is Wednesday - Friday. I am overseeing everything so I am really trying hard to prove myself, wish me luck! 

Have a great week everyone, I am so happy to be back, and cannot wait to see what everyone has been up too! Thank you for always stick with me. 


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