Insanity; Week 2 Fit Test Results

Hello, readers! So you all must be wondering about how I'm doing on Insanity, right?! I've survived week 2, and I'm beginning week 3 today. I took the fit test again and got decent results. For those of you who have never tried Insanity, on day 1 you take a fit test and record your results. Then you take it again every 2 weeks to compare each week and see your progress. You do a exercise for 1 minute solid, record the number, and go to the next one. My husband and I took both fit tests together and we both got better results than week 1, which was encouraging since I didn't think I could improve much over just 14 days.

So I'll be brave and post my numbers. No laughing, mmkay?! I'll post 2 numbers, one from the first fit test, and the second number will be from today's fit test (14 days apart)

101-101 switch kicks (no improvement, but those suckers are hard for me!)
36-50 power squats
97-102 power knees
34-42 power jumps
9-12 full globe jumps
20-21 burpees
26-29 push-up jacks
63-75 planks

So a little improvement all around. Now for the gold...I took measurements week 1 and week 2, and I have a little difference :)

Bust area is down -.34"
Waist is down -.5"
Hips are the same
Legs down -.34"

As far as the improvement. BUT, because I'm losing inches and the scale isn't moving any, I can only conclude that I'm gaining muscle. I've also been told a few times that month 2 of Insanity is really where you start losing weight. I intend to stick with it through the next 6 weeks and go to the end, so I'm excited to see what changes.

After all that I've put my body through the last 2 years of circuit training, running, Crossfit, strength training, etc., I'm really happy to see that my body can still change. I'm really excited for the next 6 weeks to come!

Until next entry,

PS-still reading Bob's new book "The Skinny Rules" and it's amazing! Great book, I'll post about it when I'm finished!


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